rbp model
product description
The Raised Beverage Panel (RBP) is a breathable surface, mounted to the rear of the leg supports of a shelving section starting at 62.25″ AFF. This spacing allows for a 7-inch gap above the tapped kegs for routing the beverage lines to the tapped kegs. Beverage component panels are affixed to the RBP, providing easy access to the beverage controls for maintenance and operation. The horizontal panels are constructed of 1/4″ x 2″ steel (frame).
panel lengths
- 48″ – 86″
panel heights
- 16″ – 24″
- Custom panel heights are available

ffp model
product description
The Front Facing Beverage Panel (FFP) and the RBP share the same construction. The FFP is mounted to angled brackets (starting at 62.25″ AFF) over a Double Deep keg shelf or Saddle Deep Keg Shelf so that the beverage components are within 16″ of the aisle. This allows the operators and beverage technicians easier access to the beverage components without reaching, straining, or standing on something to reach the controls.
panel lengths
- 48″ – 86″
panel heights
- 16″ – 24″
- Custom panel heights are available

ezr model
product description
The EZ-Reach Beverage Panel (EZR) was designed to provide the same ease of access as our other panels, with the added benefit of still having storage above the kegs. This horizontal frame is constructed of 1-1/2″ angle steel with an aluminum panel attached for mounting the individual beverage components. The EZR can be utilized with either our Case Shelf or Light Duty Shelf options.
panel lengths
- 42″
- 58″
- 74″
panel heights
- 10″

otw model
product description
The Off the Wall Beverage Pump Panel (OTW) is constructed with the EZR as its base with the addition of a mounting plate on the rear of the frame to locate beer bumps and secondary regulators. This panel should be utilized when the beverage system design requires the addition of beer pumps.
panel lengths
- 42″
- 58″
- 74″
panel heights
- 10″

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