Sizes Available: 48″, 50″, 52″, 54″

Sizes Available: 64″, 66″, 68″

Sizes Available: 80″, 82″, 84″, 86″

MODEL: SKS (Single Keg Shelf)

The SKS holds one (1) half barrel (15.5 Gallon) keg deep and includes a shelf that is 31.5 inches above the finished floor.

MODEL: SHDKS (Single Health Department Keg Shelf)

Keep your kegs off the ground with the SHDKS model which features two (2) shelves at 6.5″ and 37.5″ above the finished floor. 

MODEL: SKSTCS (Single Keg Shelf Top Case Shelf)

Best known for its storage versatility, the SKSTCS keg shelf can store kegs both on the floor and on the main shelf, and also has designated space for vertical case storage above.

MODEL: SHDKSTLD (Single Health Department Keg Shelf Top Light Duty)

With two (2) shelves available for keg storage, and an extra top shelf designed for bottle storage, the SHDKSTLD is a great addition to your walk-in beer cooler.

MODEL: SKSTLD (Single Keg Shelf Top Light Duty)

The SKSTLD design makes for easy access to your fastest-moving kegs which are readily accessible on the ground floor of your walk-in.

MODEL: SHDKSTCS (Single Health Department Keg Shelf Top Case Shelf)

With two shelves designated for keg storage, and a third shelf for case storage, the SHDKSTCS is constructed to allow for maximum air flow and drainage.


The SKSRP keg shelf features a raised integrated beer control mounting panel that allows you to easily locate beverage controls off the wall.

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